
landscape painter中文是什么意思

  • 风景画家,山水画家。



  • 例句与用法
  • Huang chunyao , a scholar - type master landscape painter
  • Turner is one of britain ' s best - known landscape painters
  • She ' s a renowned landscape painter
  • 1768 john crome , english landscape painter , was born at norwich , the son of a poor weaver
  • With the specialized division of subject matters , all kinds of artists emerged , such as portrait artists , genre painters , still life painters , animal painters , landscape painters and so on
  • It attracts many photographers , landscape painters , and other artists . the stream is rich in river shrimp and fish , including some exotic species that escaped from nearby fish farms
  • A group of painters , who always painted the scenes along the hudson river , formed the hudson school , also known as american landscape painters . divided by american civil war , american art entered its epoch of maturity . all paintings on landscapes , portraits or genre paintings presented the practiced painting skills of the artists , which reflected their individuality and the life and feelings of american people .
  • To explore those profound reasons can not only help to understand the personality characteristic of chinese traditional culture and grasp the deep mechanism of chinese ancient scholars and landscape painters ' personality , but also enable us to understand more deeply the essence of chinese art creation and chinese art spit , and draw on the cultural power of modern art creation
  • Later , as a student at ji nan university in shanghai , mr low took up painting under the instruction of the famous bird - and - flower artist xie gongzhan 1885 - 1940 and the celebrated landscape painter huang binhong 1865 - 1955 , and it was the influence of huang s connoisseurship in the field of chinese art that stimulated mr low to start his own collection , despite his limited financial resources
    另外,他于上海暨南大学求学时,曾从花鸟画家谢公展1885 - 1940及山水画家黄宾虹1865 - 1955学画。黄宾虹老师对他在书画鉴藏方面亦影响甚大,他亦于此时开始收藏古代书画。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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